
Words Mean Nothing

When AJ was born, I made it pretty well known that I was finished with having kids. I was happy that I had one girl and one boy, and it just made sense financially to have those two right now while we were still in school and taking classes. Tina wanted and still wants five children, which I usually say we'll have to move to a log cabin and live like the Ingalls in order to afford that many. I was pretty adamant about sticking with two, and was very vocal about it.

You see, it seems that many people like to ask "So, are you going to have anymore?" I don't know why they ask it. Is it sincere curiosity, wishful thinking, or is it a ploy to get you to say "no" vehemently over and over so that one day when you do have more, they can throw it back in your face like..."HA!" Whatever the reason may be, I do believe that by saying "No", "No more kids", "I'm done", and other such phrases actually increases one's fertility, and doubles the chances of pregnancy (quadruples the chances if both parents involved are against having more kids). I believe this, because Tina's pregnant after my often repeated phrase "no more."

I will admit, it was a bit of a surprise at first when Tina told me. However, her sudden interest in me having a beer at the restaurant was a big clue that something was up. We all know how one gets pregnant, so the surprise was very short lived and suddenly you're shaking your head and thinking "oh yeah!"

It has all sunk in now and we're both very excited and nervous at the same time. Tina's now in the high risk age, and after Madison being born with no kidney, and AJ having some sort of growth on his brain before he was born (which ended up being nothing to worry about), your excitement gets tempered a bit. Our first doctor visit is next week, so we'll get a lot more details then hopefully.

As far as preparations go, we're basically going to keep AJ and Madison in the same room, but they'll have full size bunk beds. Madison will remain there for the rest of the school year and perhaps the following summer. When the baby is ready to move into that bedroom, with AJ, we will then move Madison to the upstairs room and there will be much rejoicing on her part. As the baby gets older and when we win the lottery, we'll add on to the house and everyone will have their own room along with another bathroom. I will also have traded in the Xterra for what inevitably will be a minivan. The kids will grow up, be successful enough to put us in a senior living center.

That's the good word, but as you already know, what I say and what actually happens are not one in the same.