
When Babies Try To Defy Gravity

What's the worst sound in the world? Hearing a baby falling or hitting their head on something hard. Why do I know this? Because up until recently, Madison has not tried to jump off the couch.

A couple weeks ago (due to the trauma I suffered, I'm really not aware as to when this situation actually took place) I decided to bring her with me on the couch, and sit her between two cushions like I had done in the past to keep her from rolling. Madison was starting to sit up and lean forward around this time. I was not aware that when babies sit up and lean forward, they don't have the strength yet to lean back the way they came...I am now aware. I went to reach for the remote so I had to turn my head right for literally a second. In that one tiny second I believe several things happened, however I could be wrong because my head was in fact turned.

1. Madison leaned forward for her feet, because as I've noted in the past, she loves her feet.

2. Her momentum continued even after she had grasp of her foot, therefore somersaulting her off the couch.

3. She did a one and a half dive towards the floor.

4. In the distance a dog barked.

5. Madison landed back first onto the floor with a bang that sounded to me like a meteor hitting the earth.

6. Silence.

I snapped my head around to see what I missed and noticed the silence was from a baby crying so hard that nothing came out. We now introduce you to horrified father who thinks he just started what would be the last moments of his first child's life.

I picked her up and that's where my memory cells seemed to have blacked out for a few seconds. The next thing I knew I was walking around the house trying to calm this poor baby who never knew gravity existed. She looked at me with tears glistening and cried hard as if to say "Why father? WHY!!! How could you let this happen to me?" I had no answers for her, only the occasional "It's going to be okay." as I tried to comfort her.

I then took her into her bedroom to exam her body for the broken limbs I knew had to be there, or maybe a broken neck, or possibly a dislocated shoulder. Nothing. I then checked her head for the bump that would surely meant she would never make it into kindergarten. Nothing. So finally I called the doctor's office. I was able to explain what happened, well, I was able to after the nurse calmed me down. I was pretty much spewing gibberish because I was so hysterically upset. She told me she'd have to call me back after talking to the doctor. What?! My daughter's bleeding internally and you're gonna call me back? At this point I threw the phone and did what any man would do in the same situation. Call Mom.

Alas though, the only one home was my brother and he listened as long as he could to my hysterics, but had to leave for work eventually. So as soon as I hang up with him, I get a call back from the nurse who tells me that everything's okay as long as she wakes up every three hours. Gee, thanks. By this time about 15 minutes have passed since Madison actually fell. She was sitting playing with her toys and watching T.V. and laughing. I on the other hand was sprawled out on the couch, drained emotionally and physically, and twitching. It was the hardest 15 minutes of my life thus far, and I believe I'm emotionally scarred for life. Madison on the other hand is doing just wonderfully and has more than surely forgotten the incident. Lovely.

In other news! Madison is turning into a little person. I can't believe how big she looks in comparison to pictures a month ago. She's in 12 month clothes now, 3-9 stuff is just too tight on her. She doesn't like wearing clothes anymore though, and starts crying when you start getting her dressed up. Her dark hair is almost completely gone now, and its starting to come in blonde. She starts to mimick things that Tina and I do, like sticking out her tongue and tapping on things. Her favorite song is "My Little Buttercup" which I learned from the movie "The Three Amigos." That's how we got her to smile in a few of the pictures below! Oh, there's one that reminds me of a face that Chris Farley makes during an SNL skit with Adam Sandler and David Spade, Gap Girls. "*giggles* If you love em so much why don't you marry them!"