
A Full Reversal

On September 5th Tina had to return to work, as the new school year began. On that same day I started my new job as Daytime Household Activity Coordinator. My reponsibilities include but are not limited to the following tasks...

*Waking when the client wakes in the morning, no matter how early it is.
*Making sure the client is washed, clothed, and comfortable for the day's activities.
*Feeding the client when they are hungry, and do it with great speed so the client does not have to wait.
*Unless the client is sleeping, they should be subjected to a fun, stimulating, and educating environment at all times.
*At no time will you leave the client unattended, even if you have to go really, really, really bad. Pinch it!
*A walk with the client will be required every day that weather permits it.
*The client will be changed regularly, as long as that client is regular.
*The client will need sufficient sleep throughout the day, inability to do this will result in a wrath from the client later in the day that would make the devil himself run screaming.
*At all times, and at any cost to you, you must protect the client from germs, smoke, cars, being touched by unwashed hands, prolonged exposure to the sun, exhaust, overheating, rashes, choking hazards, falling, suffocation, cold weather, viruses, peanut butter, dairy, nuts, shellfish, cheese, anything acidic, and overstimulation.
*In addition to the above tasks, you're also required to keep the client's residence clean. Included tasks are: garbage disposal, dish washing, laundry, landscaping, major and minor home repairs, cooking, and sanitation.
*If the client has animal pets, you will be required to tend to them also. This includes: feeding, washing, walking, and making sure they are let outside occasionally to urinate, dig holes, poop, chase after squirrels, and bark at strangers.
*At any time, additional tasks may be added to your daily workload including but not limited to grocery shopping, bank account management, and chauffeuring the client to various appointments.
*Finally, let be known that you will have no set lunch breaks, or breaks in general. The client will decide when you can or cannot do something.


...But enough about me, lets move on to Madison!

She's 14.4 pounds now, 15 weeks old, and is 24 inches long. Again, those are all estimates, but I know I'm really close. Madison can now giggle at times, and I don't think I've seen a baby smile so much, ever. She still has her beautiful blue eyes, and I think they're staying. She holds up her head fine, stands on her own if you hold her hands, and sits up with help. She's getting very strong too, I get to feel this strength when trying to put her to sleep when she's overtired. Sometimes she wins I'm sad to say, and she breaks free from my arms. At that point she sits up, looks at me and smiles devilishly as if saying "I won old man!"

Madison's nails grow very fast, so fast that we have to clip them every two days. Now, this wouldn't be a problem normally, if Madison was a baby that knew how to chill out. I've mentioned her temper before and when that temper ignites, it sends her hands not to her hair now, but to her face. This involuntary clawing results in little cuts on her nose and around her eyes. Her most recent episode forced me to nickname her "Scarface". To remedy the problem we've had to put the mitts on her and it seems to be helping. The only problem we have to worry with that is that she sucks on them and gets them soaked with saliva.

Madison's favorite T.V. show, and actually the only one she'll sit though is The Doodlebops. Something funny about this show is that when I first watched it, the guy in orange reminded me a lot of my cousin Abel for some reason. Tina laughed as I said aloud "Wow, that reminds me of Abel." Having seen the show before me, she thought the same thing but wanted to see what my reaction was. I don't know, I could be wrong, but if anyone here who knows the show and knows Abel, I think you'll see what I mean. Abel, if you're reading, check out the show, you'll be surprised.

As mentioned above, Tina and I have flipped roles. She's working and I'm at home with the baby. It's working out well, and it only took me a few days for Madison to train me in her routine. Tina told me one day that some of her friends are stunned that I'm at home all day with the the baby. I was a bit surprised because it's becoming a trend. There are so many resources out there for stay-at-home dads. There are even seminars and events that happen every year in various parts of the country. I guess some people still have the old mentality that women belong in the house with the kids. Those same people would call me a sissy I suppose, but they wouldn't say it to my face, because they'd get their ass kicked. Heh.

I think its quite a blessing that I'm able to be home with Madison, rather than have her with a babysitter. She's grown up so much in each week, I can't imagine either myself or Tina not being there to witness it all.

Some recent shots, the first is her three month photo from Aunt Danielle. The others are from Madison's Baptism...